When the ecology of the human gastrointestinal tract becomes disrupted, beneficial micro organisms can no longer flourish in needed numbers and proper balances. What's more, harmful toxin producing bacteria and fungi begin to take over, further changing the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract.
We've all heard the saying "Death Begins in the Colon." Then it should come as no surprise that many alternative doctors believe that a disrupted ecology of the gastrointestinal tract may be at the heart of up to ninety percent of all known human illness and disease.
The gastrointestinal tract's balance of beneficial flora is most commonly disrupted by antibiotic usage, excessive sugar consumption, stress and drinking chlorinated water.
Researchers also have found that altered levels of acidity and alkalinity in the gastrointestinal tract will change the ecology of the bowel environment, and thereby affect the type, quantity and behavior of micro organisms found there.
For example, a diet consisting chiefly of processed foods can dramatically alter the vital acid/alkaline balance of the intestinal tract. Such an imbalance can lead to a dramatic overgrowth of unwanted and extremely harmful microorganisms.
Excessive alcohol consumption, frequent use of both over the counter as well as prescription anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and frequent consumption of colas or other carbonated beverages can all disrupt the gut.
A diet high in red meats or rich, fatty foods will dramatically alter the acid/alkaline balance of the intestines, leading to the overgrowth of disease causing, putrefactive bacteria that eventually overcome the beneficial bacteria and open the door to an onset of serious health problems.
Moreover, colonies of putrefactive bacteria often discharge highly toxic by-products while reacting with foods in the digestive tract. This reaction could further upset the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and slowly poison the entire body. The end result is the onset of chronic degenerative diseases.
Due to disturbances in the intestinal tract's environment, important beneficial microorganisms may no longer be present in desirable quantities in most adults. The result is all too often seen in the fading health and vitality of millions of individuals who could otherwise be enjoying the fruits of their labor without the burden of chronically poor health.
The solution may be as simple as supplementation with adequate and desirable quantities of beneficial micro organisms. Many doctors feel that inadequate levels of beneficial bacteria may be associated with health robbing conditions.
This situation can be prevented through the supplementation of the diet with food products rich in beneficial bacteria. Foods such as cultured yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, whey and other soured milk food products are good examples. These foods may be enough for general prevention.
If you have had antibiotics, endure a high stress level, or have any of the signs of the following symptoms then you may have a bacterial imbalance.
Chronic fatigue, frequent diarrhea, intestinal gas, frequent constipation, poor immune response, bladder infections, chronic vaginal infections, candida, allergies, skin fungus, dairy product sensitivities, menstrual complaints or chronic bad breath are all indicators of a possible imbalance.
In such a case, you may benefit from a probiotic supplement. There are powerful dietary supplements that help you rebuild the balance of beneficial micro organisms in your gastrointestinal tract and reverse the imbalances that may contribute to the onset of chronic conditions.
Ones that contain friendly bacteria are increasingly providing results to sufferers of conditions that often mystify practitioners. Candida & Chronic Fatigue patients often relay sagas about the agonizing search to remedy their affliction.
Frequently this exercise culminates in and only in the combination of cleaning up the putrefaction in their systems and reestablishing a harmonious balance to their gastrointestinal tract.
1 comment:
Hi, Great topic!
Let me share with you my fantastic ( if i may call it that way) experience with Lactovitale.
..All my life i have been carrying antacid, antispasmodic and the anti motilitly stuff.Until i was introduced to Lactovitale. I initially brush it off my life when i tasted it and don't really like that sour taste. Then a friend insisted i should give it a try. I then tried but not as religious.. ( like taking it only when i can remember).. ... Then another family friend told me about the benefits of Lactovitale to his family. so.. i started to read materials and try to research what is this Lactovitale all about. AND.. of course tried to take it regularly ( 30 ml, 3x a day ) ... and viola! after about 3 weeks of continuous drinking... my long time dreaded feeling of stomach fullness, hyper acidity, vomiting and painful stomach... al disappeared. And most of all i feel so energized.... Even my frequent migraine attack almost seemed to be coming only once in a while.. and not as frequent as the weekly attacks that i used to suffer.
I then tried it with my three boys, then ages.. 15, 10 and 8. I gave it to them on a regular basis last summer of 2006. The sweet flavored lactovitale Gold is is what i am giving my kids.
And what i observed was... they did not suffer the usual colds or flu that they regularly get when classes start every year. And my youngest son who always feel so lethargic is now as active as he should. He even told me that he feels so energized after taking Lactovitale and a bit of rest, when comes home so tired from school everyday.
What more... I used the liquid to for a really fantastic relief and taking away sore lips (Singaw)... and i also use it for the scratches and wounds... soooooo good at healing wounds...
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